The Peter Pan production is drawing near, and the progress looks amazing!
The production will be performed on the 10th (5pm) & 11th (1pm & 5pm) of June 2023 at the Hawkins theatre. Tickets are currently available at the Howick Dance Studio Ballet Shop (which is located upstairs) or if you wish you can hand an envelop with tickets details & money to Sharon Barber when she is at the studio. If you have an more enquires please feel free to contact us. There will also be door tickets sales on the production days.
Tickets prices are $25 per adult and $20 per senior citizen/ child. Payments are available via cash or bank transfer.
Howick Dance Studio Ballet Shop Hours:
Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am-12:00pm
We look forwards to seeing you there,
- The Howick Dance Studio Team
